30 April 2021 / 30 April 2021 by South Glos Green Party
On Thursday next week voters across the country will be going to the polls. Many, including in South Gloucestershire, will be voting for the very first time. First of all, we’d like to say a huge welcome to all those who have turned 18 since we last had an election in this area. We know […]
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31 December 2020 / 14 April 2021 by South Glos Green Party
Amongst the worries and hardships of 2020, there have been some environmental stories to celebrate. Here are a few from around the world and from our small part of the world here in South Gloucestershire and Bristol. 2020 has been one of those years that we’ll be looking back on for many years to come. […]
17 July 2019 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
South Gloucestershire Council tonight joined the growing number of councils across the UK and beyond in declaring a “Climate Emergency”. The movement that was kicked off by Green councillors in Bristol last year, commits the council to significantly update its carbon reduction targets. These will now be in line with the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on […]
16 July 2019 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
South Gloucestershire Council have announced plans for significant changes to traffic movements on the A4174. The plans include: removing the westbound bus lane through the junction to the M32 traffic signals removing the right turn onto the B4058 from westbound of the A4174 ring road removing the ability to go straight on or right for the B4058 northbound […]
2 June 2019 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
Following on from a fantastic showing at the Local Elections on 2nd May, the Green Party picked up over 11,000 votes across South Glos in the European Elections, pushing the Tories and Labour into 4th and 5th place locally. Down the road in Bristol, the Greens came first picking up over 35% of the vote. […]
6 May 2019 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
The party took 20% in Hanham and 2% of the total votes cast in South Glos, despite contesting only 4 areas. Similar positive results were seen across the country, with Green councillors breaking through in 50 new councils and a record gain of 194 councillors. Commenting on the success, local party co-chair Jenny Vernon said, […]
20 April 2019 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
With the local elections approaching on 2nd May, South Gloucestershire Green Party is standing more candidates than ever before. They will each be standing with bold plans for their wards and have agreed a set of 5 key pledges to bring to Council for residents in South Glos. 1) Represent Freely To never “whip” our councillors […]
21 March 2019 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
South Glos has the lowest per pupil funding in the country. Let that sink in a moment. On the 19th March I posed a question on BBC Radio Bristol asking the South Gloucestershire Council Leader Toby Savage why schools in our area are the most underfunded in England, and why Bristol pupils are worth more […]
2 December 2018 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
South Gloucestershire Green Party today announced it’s first three local election 2019 candidates. Standing for Hanham in the Local Elections next May, Joe Evans, Jenny Vernon and Jack Cox agreed that they are fed up of the continuing failure of the main three parties to tackle the issues facing the area. Joe said, “I took […]
27 November 2018 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
In 2013 more than 300,000 people supported a petition opposing the cull on Badgers, along with this an independent expert panel was appointed by DEFRA, that panel deemed the cull as ineffective and inhumane along with saying that the culls had no significant improvement on eradicating TB. In November this year a review had stated that the badger […]