Your local Green Party for all of South Gloucestershire
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- Six EV myths debunkedby South Glos Green PartyIf you believe the media at the moment, consumers are increasingly showing fear, uncertainty and doubt about electric vehicles (EVs). Local Green, Tim O’Neill, has worked in the EV industry for four years and driven over 50,000 electric miles. In this blog post, Tim shares his experience in response to some common myths. Myth 1.… Read more: Six EV myths debunked
- Our candidate for Frampton Cotterell by-electionby South Glos Green PartyWe have selected Alan Lankester as the Green Party candidate for the upcoming Frampton Cotterell by-election. On 28th November residents of Frampton Cotterell will be able to vote for a new councillor to represent them on South Gloucestershire Council. This follows the election of the previous holder of the seat as MP for Thornbury and… Read more: Our candidate for Frampton Cotterell by-election
- Help keep active travel plans on the Council agendaby South Glos Green PartyExciting proposals for a transformation of the town of Yate, which would provide high-quality routes for cycling, walking and wheeling along Station Road/Badminton Road, are at risk. Misinformation is being spread on social media by local pro-motoring interests, which is leading to the consultation website being flooded with negative comments. This is where you come… Read more: Help keep active travel plans on the Council agenda
- Thank you for voting in our most successful election (so far!)by South Glos Green PartyThank you to everyone who supported Green campaigns over recent weeks. Nationally, the party now has four MPs. This includes in Bristol Central, where many South Glos Green members and supporters helped with campaigning. Within South Gloucestershire, we achieved our best parliamentary election result ever, making huge vote share gains in all four South Glos seats,… Read more: Thank you for voting in our most successful election (so far!)
- Read and share our election flyersby South Glos Green Party