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Help keep active travel plans on the Council agenda

Exciting proposals for a transformation of the town of Yate, which would provide high-quality routes for cycling, walking and wheeling along Station Road/Badminton Road, are at risk. Misinformation is being spread on social media by local pro-motoring interests, which is leading to the consultation website being flooded with negative comments.

This is where you come in! All positive comments on this survey are valuable and important, as it helps South Gloucestershire Council to present the local need as part of the final funding application. If you live locally to the route, or travel regularly along it, then your voice will carry even more weight.

Read on for our guidance on completing the survey, or click here now to respond to the consultation and get your voice heard.

Key points to make

The South Glos Green Party support the following proposed improvements::

  • Segregated cycle path for the length of the A432 from the centre of Yate to the Wick Wick roundabout
  • 20mph zones for the sections of the A432 that pass through residential areas of Yate and Coalpit Heath
  • Extra crossings along the length of the road, as well as upgrading of existing crossings. This includes priority crossings for feeder roads and a cyclops junction at Beesmoor Road
  • Fixing the current on-road cycle lanes which are incomplete and force cyclists to rejoin the road at busy junctions
  • Bus improvements such as a longer bus lane linking to the A4174 ring road, and upgrades to the facilities and position of bus stops

Answer all parts

The survey presents four sections of road which are earmarked for improvements. Make sure you answer all parts, and leave comments at the end of each section, expressing how the changes would positively affect you. Here are some examples of comments that can be adapted for use in the consultations:

  • “The current setup of cycle lanes on Station Road means that I do not feel safe to cycle on this road. These changes would allow me to use my bike for trips to the shops/take the train from Yate Station.”
  • “If the speed limit was reduced to 20mph in Yate/Coalpit Heath, I would feel more comfortable letting my children walk to the park in the local area.”
  • “Having more crossings along this stretch of road will make it much easier for me to walk to the supermarket and therefore do shopping trips by foot.”
  • “I want to live in an area where traffic is controlled, and we don’t have to live with the noise of heavy goods vehicles, and the fear of speeding cars along the long straight stretches of this road.”
  • “Having a direct route like this would make my commute to work far quicker and convenient, so I would choose to cycle for this journey instead of taking the car.”
  • “I lead a busy life and don’t have the time/money to exercise after work. If it was safer to travel along this route, I could get the exercise that I badly need but otherwise would not get.”
  • “I currently don’t get the bus from where I live because it’s not safe to walk there, especially when travelling with children. This means that I currently drive for journeys that I would rather take the bus for or walk. If the Station Road area was made safer, I would leave the car at home more often for these journeys.”

Please use your own comments where possible, but these examples are provided so that you have a structure to copy and adapt, making sure that they are applicable for the section you’re answering.

Learn more in our online briefing

We will also be running a briefing via Zoom later this week (see your emails for details or visit for the link). Committee member Rowan will present the plans in more detail and take any questions you may have about the project and how to engage with it.

Thank you in advance for your engagement, and for helping to make Yate and South Gloucestershire a better place to live.