Next Thursday voters across the country will be going to the polls. Many, including in South Gloucestershire, will be voting for the very first time.
First of all, we’d like to say a huge welcome to all those who have turned 18 since we last had an election in this area. You probably have a lot going on at the moment, maybe with exams looming, work commitments and decisions to make about your futures.
With all that going on, maybe you are wondering why you should care about local elections. After all, as some like to say, what difference does it make?
It’s true that local politics rarely makes the headlines. Decisions taken at a local level are rarely glamorous. But they are vital for our everyday lives. They include decisions about the resources for local services, choices about transport and where houses are built. They include what opportunities there are for young people, how people are kept safe, and how our green spaces are protected.
Not all the same
Contrary to what some people say, politicians aren’t all the same. Obviously as South Glos Green Party, we’d love for you to put your X by a Green candidate. But don’t just take our word for it. Take a look at the manifestos of the parties and candidates and see what we stand for (you can take a look at our mini-manifesto). Decide which parties share your priorities.
On Thursday 4th May, people on the electoral roll in South Glos you can vote for 16 Green candidates in 11 wards for South Glos Council, as well as for Green town councillors for Bradley Stoke and Thornbury.
Take a look at our candidates.
We don’t have candidates in every ward yet but we are working towards it – we are fielding more than twice the number of candidates we had in 2019. If you would like to see a Green option in your ward next election, then get in touch with us and get involved. There are many ways you can help:
- Delivering leaflets (we have plenty to do over the next few days and would love your help)
- Sharing posts on social media
- Telling your friends
- Sharing your stories and telling us what issues matter to you
- Vote Green on 4th May!
And, if you aren’t a member of the Green Party, we’d love to welcome you to join us! Join here!
Be part of the decisions
Whichever party you choose, do go and vote. Over recent centuries, around the world and in our own country, women and marginalised groups have often had to fight for the right to vote. If you have recently turned 18, you had no say in who our prime minister is (or, indeed, the other two prime ministers that we’ve had in the past year), our relationship with the European Union, or what choices are made on a host of local issues.
That starts to change next week!
Happy voting day!
And if you’d like to learn more about the Green Party or about what we are doing in South Gloucestershire, we’d love to hear from you. Comment on this post, email us or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.