The South West Delivers Another Memorable Conference: Jenny Vernon

I can’t believe it was only a week ago (at time of writing) that around 300 intrepid members battled challenging weather conditions to arrive in Bournemouth for our 3-4 March Spring (!) Conference – with many more watching our live streaming from the warmth and safety of their own homes.

Sadly, we had to cancel Friday evening’s Green History event as no trains were travelling into Bournemouth and road conditions were still unsafe. Hopefully we will be able to run this locally, in the future at some point as it looked like a fantastic event!

With minimal reshaping of the agenda and the support of volunteers standing in at short notice, conference went ahead on Saturday. Our leaders and deputy leader delivered some excellent speeches, including the launch of our Political Strategy. Fringes were well attended and election-based training went down particularly well. And as SOC ruled that quorum was to be based on the number of people who collected their packs, we were still able to make decisions!

On the Outcomes and Resources page of the members web site you will find:

· Conference outcomes (which motions passed or fell)

· Plenaries and speeches (video, sound and text)]

· Fringes and Panel (sound, video, presentations as available)

· Image Gallery and Press and Media Coverage 

We received some fantastic feedback, with members particularly liking its more intimate feel. Does this support the notion of regional spring conferences? Something to feed into the Holistic Review maybe…

Either way this is not a conference that any of us will forget in a hurry!

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