Danny Bonnett.

Thornbury Town Council

Danny Bonnett

I've lived in Thornbury since 2015, when my wife and I relocated our jobs to this area.

I'm married with 2 daughters, aged 18 and 16, and a dog.  Both my wife and I are engineers, in related disciplines, and I specialise in renewable energy structures (offshore wind foundations).  My daughters attend the Castle School, and went St Mary's School before that.

I work for a small consultancy called Wood Thilsted. When I joined, I opened their Bristol office (in 2019) and I am pleased to say I am now one of 35 employees there.

I recently completed (2022) a Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business, which supports my role as Director responsible for Sustainability and has also fuelled my passion for Nature and Biodiversity.

Since coming to Thornbury, I have been an active member of Sustainable Thornbury, and I am presently Chairman.  My recent focus with Sustainable Thornbury has been development of the Biodiversity Ring - a ring of footpaths around the town, promoting the health of flora and fauna, and looking to connect our biodiversity hotspots for benefit of citizens and nature alike.  I have contributed to the Thornbury Neighbourhood Plan and was a member of Thornbury Town Council's working group on Climate Change and Nature, over the last 12 months.

I am a member of Thornbury Baptist Church and am involved in leading children's groups.  I love to walk, run and ride my bike around the South Gloucestershire countryside.  I'm a member of Thornbury Running Club, and I run and volunteer at the local Park Run.  Most of my cycling is my commute (when I'm not on the T1 bus), but you may also see me out with our cargo bike, with the dog on board.

I joined the Green Party in 2015 as they unequivocally said no to fracking, which mirrored my own view.  As you would expect, the Green Party continue to show strong support for nature and biodiversity which aligns with my own position.

As part of Thornbury Town Council, I will work to improve nature in the town, to work for a vibrant local community, and to help the town council reduce its carbon footprint.