25 December 2017 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
2017 – what a year it has been! With all manners of locally, nationally and globally significant events over the past 12 months, some time off for the festive season is welcome. We’ll be back in 2018 with more Green activism – why not make it a new years resolution to get involved in making […]
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27 November 2017 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
Chair of the local Green Party Richard Burton has written to Filton and Bradley Stoke MP Jack Lopresti as uncertainty over the future of Britain’s countryside looms following announcements from government. As the Conservatives finally bow to pressure over their shockingly poor house building record, Mr. Burton has emphasised the need to meet housing demand […]
25 October 2017 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
Plans to for the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to acquire the long derelict Kleeneze site from Tesco were welcomed by South Glos Greens this month. The site has been owned by Tesco, who have fought to develop the site into a massive supermarket since 2003. Greens joined many in the local community in opposing the […]
20 September 2017 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
South Gloucestershire Green Party today called for the group lobbying for the new 18A motorway junction to come clean and tell the public who they are. The group, Gateway2Growth, has been lobbying MPs and Councillors for years, but has no listed members and won’t reveal who funds it. Greens spokesperson Richard Burton said, “It cannot […]
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has released its draft recommendations for boundary changes to South Gloucestershire council. The proposals call for a reduction in the number of Councillors from 70 to 61 – splitting the area into eight 3 councillor wards, fifteen 2 councillor wards and seven 1 councillor wards. Wards that would be […]
5 September 2017 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
The consultation survey released by South Gloucestershire Council assumes the necessity for the junction – with the question being between the controversial Pucklechurch or Lyde Green options and only once does it mention the possibility of no junction at all. Greens join those sceptical that the Pucklechurch option is a serious proposal, and is only […]
29 July 2017 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
22nd July might not have seen much sunshine, but the weather didn’t put off the crowds at the fantastic charity day organised by Ricks Ink, on the Mundy Playing Fields in Thornbury. South Glos Green Party were up and about early with a self-proclaimed awesome stand which attracted visitors all day long. Thanks to members Carron, Iain, Clive, […]
5 June 2017 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
We have been told time, after time, after time that we need strong and stable leadership to get us through the Brexit negotiations and that is why we are having a snap election – to give Theresa May a strong hand in the negotiations and ‘Get us the best deal’. Now a local voter informs, “Luke […]
3 April 2017 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
South Glos Green Party have slammed the Tory council for undermining local democracy in their desperate penny pinching. Conservative Councillors voted in favour of changing the current Committee structure, where all decision making is done via committees involving elected councillors of all represented parties, to forming a cabinet of just 8 to make major decisions. […]
23 March 2017 / 1 December 2020 by tomhathway
South Glos Green party have confirmation from South Gloucestershire Council that they will begin the spraying of Glyphosate in April. We would like to ensure that possibly cancer causing chemical are not sprayed in our streets, our parks and our children’s’ playgrounds. Jenny Vernon, Coordinator of South Glos Green Party points out, “When supermarkets and retail giants pull products containing Glyphosate and organisations from Town […]