No to new drive-through restaurant at Barrs Court!

South Gloucestershire Green Party opposes plans to build a new drive-through restaurant in the Asda Car Park at Barrs Court.

The plans are completely incompatible with the need to tackle problems like air pollution, climate change and childhood obesity.

The proposed site overlooks Barrs Court Primary School, which has already objected to the plans, and is also immediately nextdoor to Busy Bees Nursery. Not only will the presence of the new restaurant encourage unhealthy eating, it will expose children to environmental hazards like litter and exhaust fumes.

The plans also ignore the severity of the climate emergency and local problems with air quality.

“Traffic into the Asda Car Park is already bad at peak times and the proposal will only make things worse.” says South Glos Greens co-ordinator Dan Johnston. “Users of the supermarket, petrol station and restaurant would all be funneling through the same entrance and exit. This is bound to cause disruption for local residents and have a disastrous impact on air quality in Barrs Court.

“There are more than enough restaurants in the local area. Aspects Leisure Park and Aldermoor Way both have plenty of places to get food. It’s the wrong place and the wrong time to be building more.”

The proposals have already received over 70 objections, and South Gloucestershire Green Party stands firm with local residents in opposition to the plans.

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