Reflections on Autumn – Maggie Jeffery

Summer into Autumn and my adopted little tree is magnificent in bright colours. I am bored, so bored with the narrow futile ‘ down the rabbbit hole’ soundbites about Brexit. This isn’t a time for building walls but rather for building bridges.

With accelerating climate change and the news about the Arctic meltdown, the process of inner change by individuals seems slow – and of course it usually takes a major crisis and shock to awaken and make a leap of consciousness.

It is happening. Witness the global response to David Attenborough’s Blue Planet series and how people are suddenly viewing plastic pollution as a problem that can and should be tackled.

So maybe the Brexit furore is simply another form of denial or distraction and a way of keeping people hypnotised and in their dream state by the drama instead of seeing what is happening to our beautiful natural world.

How might the Green Party influence a shift of focus and do we, the Green Party, need to look at the whole rapidly changing situation with new eyes, I wonder? ‘Old ways won’t work any more.’ The old patriarchies and hierarchies are no longer valid; we live in a quantum world and very different and radical creative approaches need to be considered.

Maggie Jeffery

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