Chair of the local Green Party Richard Burton has written to Filton and Bradley Stoke MP Jack Lopresti as uncertainty over the future of Britain’s countryside looms following announcements from government.
As the Conservatives finally bow to pressure over their shockingly poor house building record, Mr. Burton has emphasised the need to meet housing demand using brownfield sites first and foremost, and urged Mr. Lopresti MP to uphold his pledge to protect the Green belt in South Glos.
Mr. Lopresti offered some assurance that Green belt would continue to be protected from “inappropriate development” but didn’t go into much detail. Commenting on the response, Mr. Burton said,
“It is clear that the government and South Glos Council intend to force through the new road to J18A and use it as reason to remove Green belt status from surrounding land. The Minister made it clear in Parliament that the road would open up the land for development – the real reason it is being forced through. It is certainly nothing to do with relieving congestion, which we know it will increase.”
The full text of the letter in response can be seen below.