Greens join the fun at The BIG Ricks Ink Charity Family Festival

22nd July might not have seen much sunshine, but the weather didn’t put off the crowds at the fantastic charity day organised by Ricks Ink, on the Mundy Playing Fields in Thornbury. South Glos Green Party were up and about early with a self-proclaimed awesome stand which attracted visitors all day long.

Thanks to members Carron, Iain, Clive, Perry, Jen, Jillie and Maggie we had lots of interest from the visitors.

We made a graffiti board (aka big piece of card and coloured pens!) and asked the people of Thornbury, “What do you think the community needs?” aiming to highlight the grass roots needs rather than focus on political issues.

The suggestions and ideas from the public were really interesting and Iain has the whole list, but notably it included:

a shoe shop for Thornbury (lacking for many years, meaning people currently have to go to Cribbs or Yate); a railway station (wouldn’t that be just awesome); a cycle lane on Alveston Hill (if you have ever cycled it you will know why…); better provision for teenage activities in Thornbury (not just a youth club once a week) and reduced rent for Thornbury shop units to improve diversity/representation.

Despite being chilly at times, the day was great fun and we made friends with G Bros pizza lorry who gave us a free pizza, which quite frankly, was superb! Hopefully we can find some more community fairs and activities to attend to make this a regular activity.

Thanks again to all involved.


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