Iain’s Blog: 5th June

We have been told time, after time, after time that we need strong and stable leadership to get us through the Brexit negotiations and that is why we are having a snap election – to give Theresa May a strong hand in the negotiations and ‘Get us the best deal’.  

Now a local voter informs, “Luke Hall, at his regular Yate Tesco Saturday morning slot, today said he would be supporting Ruth Davidson for Tory party leader after the election (assuming she gets elected to Westminster) otherwise he would go back to Stephen Crabb. Must be the first time in the last two years he’s publicly said anything that might upset the leadership”. 

Why is our local MP stating that he would be supporting, as far as I know, a very unpopular Scottish Conservative leader as the leader of the Tories UK wide? 

We have been told time and again that Theresa May is the ‘Strong and Stable leader’ we need, and yet there appears to be back room moves to replace her after her terrible election campaign, where she has gone from 20 points ahead of Labour to what could be zero on Thursday morning. 

How are we to ever trust what the Tories say, if they are prepared to replace their ‘Strong and Stable’ leader? 

Theresa May is now saying there would be “changes” in order to prevent more terror attacks. Now I see in films time and again, that every time Government have tries to take you rights and freedoms people fight for them. Now if they can create a situation, where you feel safer, by handing them your freedoms… 

Benjamin Franklin said in 1738, ‘Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither’. 

May’s fighting talk moreover in the wake of the London attackers appears rash – “The time has come for things to change. Enough is enough.” 

May addresses four areas: 

 Religious fundamentalism 

 Internet controls 

 Segregation and multiculturalism 

 Anti-terror legislation 

But is May going too far? We had the snoopers charter and now this, why are the Government so desperate to censor the internet? Have you read 1984? 

In a chilling passage May said with no irony, “We will increase custodial sentences even for less serious offences.” 

Feels like Franklin would be turning in his grave. 

I know from my time in the Prison service that short-term sentences are a waste of public money but suddenly changing a 6 month sentence in to a 12 month sentence just to be tough, is a step too far. 

We should not have cut 20,000 police officers and then lie about increasing them, when we heard from the Police federation that there has been not increase in Police on the street, just police moved in from other areas and having their leave cancelled and reaching burnout. 

We need to look at why these attacks are happening and ask if it is a direct result of the UK’s foreign policy. Selling arms to Saudi Arabia because ‘Amber Rudd-It’s is good for the UK economy’, is surely something we should be looking at, also selling arms to Israel and their human rights issues with Palestine.  Our special relationship with America also puts us in the firing line. We need to look at who our friends are and ask; is this is a possible reason for what is happening right now?

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